Umria (UMR), officially known as the Republic of Umria is the easternmost country in Latino America and South America.
It is an archipielago on the Atlantic Ocean, around 100 kilometers from the coasts of Argentina (northest), Uruguay (east) and Brazil (southest).
Its capital and most populated city is San Augusto.
Its a unitary state, made by 7 islands and 8 regions. Their demonym is umrian, and there are anywhere between 13 and 14 million people currently living there.
Their official language is Spanish. Their currency is the Umrian Peso (UMP), and 1 UMP equates to between 1.50 USD and 2.30 USD.
Their local economy, besides fruit exportation, is based on biotecnology, specifically prosthetics.
Their current president is Alice Christy, from the RONA party.
The concept of "heaven" and "hell" is not what it seems.
"Heaven" is made for Him to exist, and for Him to create his "Angels"; beings that can take any form and cannot be destroyed until their goal (determined by Him) has been achieved.
"Hell" as such does not exist. But beings called demons do... This will be later explained.
The actual dimensions can be divided between "spectral" and "mortal". After passing away, the being leaves their corporal body and enters the Spectral Dimension.
The being cannot "die" in this space, any injuries are inmediately healed, and there are no such thing as diseases.
The being cannot interact directly with the Mortal Space, but it can influence indirectly.
The only way "out" is passing onto the next life; reencarnating onto a new being, erasing any remains of their old self.
There are some exceptions to the "no direct interaction" rule, and these excepcions are:
Ghouls: beings who have passed on but due to some reason their self cannot leave their corporeal form.
The physical body continues to rot, unless it manages to physically access the Spectral Dimension,
where their rotting process is reversed, and if they leave, it starts all over again.
Poltergeists: if the being, for any reason refuses to pass on, they start to forcefully turn into a new being without the need for rebirth.
These beings are vulgarly called "poltergeists", since they are usually responsible for such events.
Demons: These are poltergeists that have made their own physical body.
Unlike angels, they can be killed (but they cannot die due to "natural reasons", such as illness or old age), and once they do,
the process of the Spectral Dimension starts all over again.
The term is a portmanteau word, from Thánatos (death in greek) and nautes/nauta (sailor in old greek and latin).
The group asociated with this name, is a seemingly small supernatural organization, with the ability to travel between dimensions (mortal and spectral).
There have been two identified individuals from this group. A blonde tall and well built adult woman who goes by "Angel", who seems to be the leader.
And a teen with the surname "Bartlett". There are no registers for "Angel", but Bartlett has been declared deceased for a few years.
There is a third individual of pale complexion, who has not been identified (due to them using vandalized police headgear).
This individual is treated as a John Doe.
The RONA party considers them a possible terrorist group, the reason has yet to be given.
ATCEMU (Cerebral-Muscular Atrophy), is an aparently prionic disease that causes ataxia and odd eating habits.
Its a fatal disease with a 99% mortality rate
It can spread through blood contact with an infected individual or animal, although it is more common to spread via biting.
There is no cure, and treatment only delays some of the symptoms. These symptoms include ataxia (inhability to control body movements),
little to no reaction to external stimulus (visual, tactile, sound...),
decomposition of the cells, strange eating habits (such as pica and autophagy), and in extreme cases, aggressivity.