What's new?

08/10/24: added the kofi button after 4 months of saying i would do it xd
05/10/24: added badges to About
04/10/24: preparing something awesomes.....
03/10/24: small edit in Index and added pages to directory
29/09/24: i learnt to upload with git, so awesomes.... Ah, and new Error page + small edit in About :P
26/09/24: Remember when I said I'll have to remake this page again? I did :3 layout...5? i think
04/09/24: Small edit in About... Again. I'll have to remake this page later ugh
01/09/24: Small edit in About
28/08/24: Revamped About section
26/08/24: Small adition in the commissions page. Also buttons have been removed. Oops
05/07/24: Directory page has been rehauled!
17/06/24: Section specifically made for Social Media has been made, and fonts have been changed in index!
11/06/24: Commissions are open again! Small fix in the Social Media bit.
26/04/24: Revamped commissions page.
04/04/24: Minor fix since I changed username here!
01/04/24: Closed commissions for a moment! And like two changes to the Social Media section
28/03/24: Fixed minor things.
29/12/23: Added pages to directory, and organized it alphabetically.
07/12/23: Reformated index slighty.
19/11/23: Revamped index: Layout 4! Hopefully this will stay lol
21/10/23: Updated commissions page and index has changed colors and background.
06/09/23: Revamped "Pages I Liek", with new design and some new links. Edited a part of the About me page to be accurate with new interests
30/06/23: Fixed the background issue in the About Me page! Also removed the border of the buttons (it looked ugly lol)
27/04/23: New About Me page! It has issues with the background, but eh. Also first time doing a JS thing :O
01/04/23: Layout 3! Apologies for leaving this page abandoned, I had a severe case of laziness Dx
21/01/23: Layout 2.5! Index now has the new layout. This log also has a new layout
09/01/23: The background has been altered, added a new type of commission, added links in the directory page
03/01/23: Directory now has the new layout, corrected a typo in the comms page
31/12/22: new layout! almost every page has been changed to it (except the directory one)

Heyo! I'm Akel, the webmaster of this thang :3 and I put random stuff in here, but mostly art related things. I'm not that active here (or anywhere except Tumblr really), lol.
Wish I had more to say, but I don't! Sad!

Site made in a 1920 x 1080 (i think) screen, and tested on Firefox

In About you'll see more info about the webmaster, like what stuff he likes and where to find him. In Pages I Like you'll find a directory of pages I regularly find myself returning to.

Besides this block of text, you'll see the updates table. Below this, you'll find my commission status, my site button (with the code to hotlink it), and other sites here I like

Commissions are: OPEN!

Site Button of Akel
Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com